By Kristella Marie Pel
As of March 28, 2020, Alfonso, Cavite is still COVID-19 free.

ALFONSO, CAVITE – Mayor Randy Salamat ordered an Enhanced Community Quarantine in Alfonso on March 16 by Executive Order no. 10 series of 2020 of office of the provincial governor said in a Facebook post.
“...[Considering] the world's current health crisis and the unprecedented growth of the Corona Virus (COVID- 19), officials here in the Municipality of Alfonso, Cavite have decided to implement lockdown of the whole town for the safety of its people.” Vice Mayor Madonna Mojica Pel told the interviewer.
“As soon as the first case has been reported, we have already regrouped and discussed our plans of action: crowd control, close monitoring of people, area sanitation, enhanced health care service and for extreme measures, and lockdown. We will not take the possibility of putting everybody’s health at risk. We, together with the people we govern are working and will continue to work hand in hand until the case has been eradicated. Up until now, Alfonso is still COVID-19 free and hopefully will stay that way,” said Pel.
People are required to stay inside their houses and may only go outside to purchase medicines and other necessities. A curfew is established starting 8 p.m. to 5 a.m. If caught outside for the second time after curfew, you will be fined ₱2,500 or imprisonment of up to 1 week. Many are affected because of this quarantine such as workers, business owners, and most especially the indigent people.
Vice Mayor Pel said, “Every action as extreme as a town lockdown has its advantages and disadvantages here are some those experiences while under this situation PROs: prevents or limits the extent of the disease/illness, early detection and mitigation of possible cases, minimal to no exposure to the affected person thus no possible disease transmission, Pollution reduction, and more quality time with family and CONs: Decreased socio-economic status creates nationwide panic, limited resources are available, and transportation scarcity for the working group.”
As of March 28, 2020, Alfonso, Cavite is still COVID-19 free.